Helping you grow and make an impact

Who are we?


Empower women to sustainably flourish.


Facilitate self-awareness and sustainable well-being practices to inspire women leaders and their communities to flourish.







group of business women looking up

Our Story

We knew. We felt it in our hearts. We went looking for answers. We found each other. And here we are.

They say that our deepest knowing manifests the next right thing. We agree. 

We believe women are underserved and are looking for leadership support. We know that networks are vital for growth, stability, and nourishment. But access to consistent, quality support for women is scant. 

We empower women to flourish. Flourishing by growing in a sustainable way… together. Syncing up inner well-being and outer well-doing. 

We create tools for women to do that. Our offerings focus on a human-centered approach using awareness-based change with an underlay of emotional intelligence and neuroscience. Our touchstone is the Inner Development Goals established to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

We are here to work with women leaders. To make a difference. To access the courage, energy, and passion to drive change. Because it is needed now and every moment from now.

Develop more resilience in challenging times by learning how to join the head, heart and hands to enact change.

Meet Elise

Elise Jones is a creative and versatile certified coach, communications consultant, and founder with over 20 years of leadership experience. Elise works with individuals and organizations dedicated to making the world a better place, helping them share their stories. Her coaching approach centers on cultivating healthy relationships with oneself and others, unlocking the wisdom that resides within us all. She excels in guiding people through transitions and envisioning future-focused solutions. She is also a certified yoga, mindfulness, and meditation teacher.

Meet Ingalis

A former business leader, Ingalis Salonen has a desire to help others see their full potential and understand how their leadership truly serves the lives of so many. As a certified executive coach, with a focus on emotional intelligence, her integrated approach is influenced by her experiences and training in neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming, positive intelligence, nonviolent communication, design thinking, and equine coaching. She is a lover of learning, strategy, curiosity, and possibilities - especially when partnering with others who seek to tackle the biggest challenges of our time.