Supporting your passion and courage

Thrive while leading

Being an effective leader is nuanced, complex.

We build communities and programs exclusively to support the well-being of women.

Our Offerings

  • Support the complexities of female leadership with tailored one and two-day, experiential workshops.

  • Build sustainable ways to access your passions while joining a community of women changing the world.

  • Get clear on what matters most and achieve bigger goals than you thought possible.


Truly support the female leaders in your organization for the unique leadership they provide. The complex problems of our future require their leadership. The future of your company needs it.

Experiential learning supports your leaders to:

  • Practice new skills and build new habits.

  • Increase emotional intelligence.

  • Optimize the unique strengths of female leadership.

See sustained improvements in employee engagement and business impact.


Take a deep breath. And imagine yourself in the company of other incredible women. Within days, feel re-energized. Leave with new perspectives and sustainable ways to access your passion and ability to lead meaningful change.

5-day retreats hosted twice per year:

  • Focus on your well-being through experiential learning.

  • Learn practical tools guided by neuroscience and emotional intelligence.

  • Savor healthy meals, outdoor activities, deep connection-building, and yoga.

  • Customizable retreat offerings available.

1-1 Coaching

Now is the time. To invest in you. In what really matters most to you. And that takes reflection, recognizing patterns, setting measurable goals, overcoming obstacles and building new habits.

Reach goals you didn't think were possible.

  • Engage with your coach for 3 to 6 months; consistency leads to effective change.

  • Practice new skills grounded in emotional intelligence science.

  • Learn from Leadership reports for added insight.

Invest in yourself.

We’ll be with you every step of the way.